The Labour Co. is a Graaff-Reinet based operation providing service throughout Southern Africa to businesses requiring our expertise. We are committed to the provision of superior supplementary services to every sector of business, in order to safeguard for an effective and efficient best practice within your organisation.
The Labour Co. will, on your behalf, consult or negotiate any mandate as stipulated by you. With over thirty-three years combined experience and a wealth of knowledge at The Labour Co.’s disposal, your best interests and welfare will always be represented.
Labour issues a problem? Has an employee referred a matter to the C.C.M.A.? If our applications, policies, and procedures are in place in your organisation, then you should have little problem defending such cases. However, if you find yourself in the precarious position of not knowing what your rights are and/or how to prepare and present your case before the Commission then The Labour Co. can offer you a one stop solution to this predicament. With our professional support and service, you are assured of peace of mind and the best possible outcome as we prepare you to present your case.
The Labour Co. have a recruitment division which will meet your staffing needs. Allow us to source for your organisation that perfect employee from one of the many outstanding candidates on our database. If your ideal candidate is not on our books, we will headhunt or source him/her for your organisation.